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Non-profit Consortium Buildout

Local nonprofits are working collaboratively to develop shared services to increase operational efficiencies. The top priorities identified by the community are health insurance, IT tech support, and joint purchasing.

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Project Impact(s): Business Process, Pandemic, Technology Enablement

This project is in Develop Phase

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Collaborators, Project Type, Impacts, Related Projects


Lead Organization: Rochester Area Nonprofit Consortium

Contact: Terri Allred ; Email: ; Phone: TBD

Known/Likely Collaborators: Alliance for Strong Families and Communities ; Channel One Regional Food Bank ; Diversity Council ; Families First (Fomerly: Child Care Resource and Referral) ; IMAA ; Rochester Area Nonprofit Consortium ; Rochester Human Resources Association ; United Way of Olmsted County ; Zumbro Valley Health Center

Potential Collaborators:

Related Projects

America's City for Health ; Commitment to Action for Racial Justice project ; Developing and Executing on Cradle to Career Plan ; Digital Equity IT ; Microsoft Office 365 Cloud Usage Enablement ; Police Assisted Recovery (PAR Program) ; Update Intercultural Cities Initiative (ICI) Index


Major Impact:  Best Practice

PlanScape Impacts :

Level 1: Business Process, Pandemic, Technology Enablement

Level 2:

DMC Impacts:

Community Health Impacts:

Type of Project

Planning, Special  



Detailed Description

New Direction 2021-02-25




Public Announcement




Pinned Reports on: Non-profit Consortium Buildout

BIPOC Cohort Winter Food Drive (November 30, 2023)

BIPOC Cohort Winter Food Drive on behalf of LifeGate Services. 


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Rochester Nonprofit Consortium Strengthens Relationship with Rochester Area Foundation (September 06, 2022)

The Rochester Nonprofit Consortium (Consortium) has announced its intent to become a program of Rochester Area Foundation (RAF). 

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Rochester Nonprofit Consortium Commits to Racial Justice (June 23, 2020)

Offering a collective, community-wide commitment to action, Rochester Nonprofit Consortium leads a Collaborative Response to Racial Equity

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Nonprofit COVID-19 Response Structure and Social Determinants of Health (May 05, 2020)

(1) Consortium resources have been temporary redirected to cross-sector COVID-19 response planning in the Rochester are. Please contact Brooke with questions. 

(2) System approach for Social Determinants of Health

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Rochester Nonprofit Consortium Meeting Materials (February 27, 2020)

2020-02-11 Strengthening our Human Services Ecosystem by Rochester Nonprofit Consortium meeting materials

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Rochester Area Non-profit Consortium (October 01, 2019)

Event: Webinar "Moving to the Cloud" featuring the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities and the Diversity Council (presentation slides attached)
Date: Tuesday, Oct. 1
Time: 12 - 1:30 pm


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Action Groups being formed (November 20, 2018)

Action Groups being formed to make progress on: Health Insurance; IT: Tech Support; Joint Purchasing of Goods and Services

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"Organizing for Impact" Symposium (February 01, 2017)

 A symposium for nonprofit executives and board members to participate in a sector planning discussion.

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Best Practice Related Event(s) => LINK

Reports on: Non-profit Consortium Buildout

BIPOC Cohort Winter Food Drive (November 30, 2023)

BIPOC Cohort Winter Food Drive on behalf of LifeGate Services. 


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Rochester Nonprofit Consortium Strengthens Relationship with Rochester Area Foundation (September 06, 2022)

The Rochester Nonprofit Consortium (Consortium) has announced its intent to become a program of Rochester Area Foundation (RAF). 

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Building Out Rochester Area Non-profit Consortium Update (August 14, 2020)

 Rochester Area Non-profit Consortium Updates: Future Planning, Funding Opportunities, Shared Services/Resources

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Rochester Area Non-profit Consortium July 2020 Accomplishments (July 13, 2020)

 Nonprofit Consortium-led accomplishments in the COVID-19 response.

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Rochester Nonprofit Consortium Commits to Racial Justice (June 23, 2020)

Offering a collective, community-wide commitment to action, Rochester Nonprofit Consortium leads a Collaborative Response to Racial Equity

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Nonprofit COVID-19 Response Structure and Social Determinants of Health (May 05, 2020)

(1) Consortium resources have been temporary redirected to cross-sector COVID-19 response planning in the Rochester are. Please contact Brooke with questions. 

(2) System approach for Social Determinants of Health

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Nonprofits needs townhalls with MN Gov. Leaders (April 07, 2020)

There will be two Town Halls with House Majority Leader Ryan Winkler and Senate HHS Chair and Deputy Majority Leader Michelle Benson on issues facing non-profits Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning.

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Together Greater Rochester Area COVID-19 Community Support Fund (April 03, 2020)

(1) Grant Application Now Available for Nonprofits to Apply for Together Fund Grants

(2) Rochester Area Foundation and other community partners announced the creation of a fund called TOGETHER: Greater Rochester Area COVID-19 Community Support Fund. Hosted at Rochester Area Foundation, the TOGETHER Fund will award grants to local nonprofits that are experiencing unforeseen challenges due to the ongoing pandemic.

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Rochester Nonprofit Sector Emergency Response Guidance (March 24, 2020)

Rochester Nonprofit Sector Emergency Response Guidance is a collection of resources and information to share with the community. 

*** Channel One's staff is overextended and requests that clients and social service professionals do not call their offices. Instead, please visit Channel One's website for current information food distribution. 

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Rochester Nonprofit Consortium Meeting Materials (February 27, 2020)

2020-02-11 Strengthening our Human Services Ecosystem by Rochester Nonprofit Consortium meeting materials

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Rochester Area Non-profit Consortium (October 01, 2019)

Event: Webinar "Moving to the Cloud" featuring the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities and the Diversity Council (presentation slides attached)
Date: Tuesday, Oct. 1
Time: 12 - 1:30 pm


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Rochester Area Non-profit Coalition July 2019 Meeting Materials (July 25, 2019)

Presentations from Rochester Area Nonprofit Consortium, Alliance for Strong Families and Communities: HOSTS: Brooke Carlson, Lenore Schell (Alliance) and Ted Uczen (FEI Workfroce Resilience) 


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Action Groups being formed (November 20, 2018)

Action Groups being formed to make progress on: Health Insurance; IT: Tech Support; Joint Purchasing of Goods and Services

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Greater Rochester Non-Profit Partners (GRNPP) Formal Alliance Proposal (October 02, 2018)

Announcing Rochester Area Nonprofit Consortium Forum November 13, 2018 and info on prior webinars to formally kick off this work. A number of members of the Greater Rochester Non-Profit Partners (GRNPP) are proposing a formal alliance framework.

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"Organizing for Impact" Symposium (February 01, 2017)

 A symposium for nonprofit executives and board members to participate in a sector planning discussion.

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Other Community News and Reports having impacts on:

Business Process, Pandemic, Technology Enablement
October 02, 2024: OpenBeam to support collective impact
Presentation Slides of Education Portal for C2C Oct 9, 2024 Education Summit

Results Based Accountability

Collective Impact: Spectrum of working together

Tech Support

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September 30, 2024: Economic Vibrancy & Growth Management

City teammates providing an update on this work, specifically regarding legacy public infrastructure projects, Unbound, infrastructure investments and regulatory milestones.  

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September 23, 2024: A Study of Financial Hardship

2024 ALICE  (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) Report 

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August 30, 2024: CMRC Legacy and Future

CMRC pausing public activities and investment potential white paper availability announcement.

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June 22, 2024: Rochester Area Volunteer Administration Training Info

Volunteer Recruitment Effectiveness: What can advertising teach us? 

Volunteer Process Assessment 

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June 19, 2024: RISE for Youth Learning
Updates from NAACP with Media Links

"Example of careers they are interested in include radiology, artificial Intelligence, surgery, aeronautical engineering, psychology, sports, business administration and many more!"

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June 09, 2024: Olmsted County Community Indicators 2023
Report contains info: 

1. Demographics 2. Population by age 3. Diversity 4. Foreign-born population 5. Languages and ancestry 6. Educational trends 7. Household income 8. Poverty status 9. Health factors 10. Housing and living 11. Labor force 12. Unemployment rate 13. Election trends 14. Community safety 15. Environmental factors 16. Highlights 17. References

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May 27, 2024: DMC's BioRoch effort to Collaborate with MN MedTech 3.0

DMCC Board Updates:

1. May 2024 Status Memo to DMCC Board  

2. Feb 2024 DMCC Board Meeting: Video Clip of Discussion at Feb 1 2024 DMCC Board - DMC part of MedTech 3.0; Memo to DMCC

3. Nov. 2023 Video Clip of Discussion at DMCC Board Meeting about MN MedTech 3.0 Description and Webinar

References: US DEA Tech Hub Awardees 

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May 01, 2024: Community Outreach Public Relations
Austin KSMQ R-Town Program Interview Segment about CMRC

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April 22, 2024: Credible Mind and Collective Impact
Introducing Credible Mind to support CHNA collaboration. 

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March 20, 2024: NIH Community Engagement Alliance Consultative Resource

We invite community organizations and partners who expressed interest in the Community Partnerships to Advance Science for Society (ComPASS) initiative to participate at no cost in several opportunities hosted by CEACR.

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March 19, 2024: Action Request March 18, 2024
Comment at the 3/18/2024 City Council Meeting:

To act on September 21, 2020 council resolutions for the city staff to develop a Intercultural City action plan.  

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March 07, 2024: City of Rochester Housing Actions
Feb 26 City Council Study Session Housing Portion: Economic Development Incentives for Housing

Video Clip

Presentation Slides

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March 04, 2024: City Council: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Updates; Housing; International Relations

DEI Presentation Topics: Language Access and Accessibility; Equity in the Built Environment; 2024 Initiatives

Economic Development Incentives for Housing

Mayor Updates: Black History Month, Luther College: Mutable City; International Relations Committee

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Last modified by support on 2022/03/07
Created by allnode on 2017/03/17




Site Information
Project Phase Definitions
The following defines the various project phases:
  1. Available - a product, program or service is in production
  2. Develop - program or application is being developed
  3. Plan - idea is solid, stakeholders are identified, and there is strong commitment to go forward from all parties.
  4. Concept Phase - idea scoped out with enough details to give an early sizing and/or to build a proof of concept
  5. Pre-concept Phase - an early idea or a requirement.
About Beam
  • For the commercial sector, we tend to register startup activities (new companies and new commercial projects) that bring diversification and high-impact opportunities to the area.
  • For the non-profit sector, we wish to shine light on all the organizations and services that otherwise labor under relative obscurity.
  • Our hope is that will encourage cross-sector collaborations and creative solutions.

While there are a number of registries in the community,'s  distinct value is to pilot a database with a data structure and categorizations that answer the questions such as: What organizations or projects/programs in our community that have purported relevance with some of the over-arching focuses put forward by initiatives such as DMC, J2G and Health Improvements?

This database could be used as one of the ways to explore the capacities of the community. If you are someone on an exploratory journey to learn about the greater Rochester community. could be an interesting first step.

Links to Beam sub-sites 
Sample of Beam sub-sites: