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Reduce the Rancor, Minnesota

"Polarization has infected virtually every aspect of our society. With our many partners spanning the entire state, we now will be able to invite every single person in Minnesota to have an experience that opens the door to changing how they view the other side. We’re not out to change anyone’s positions on issues but to change how they relate to each other."

Read more on Braver Angels site ...

Project Impact(s): Civic Engagement, Commitment, CMRC, Governance/Public Policy, Mediation

This project is in Available Phase.

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Collaborators, Project Type, Impacts, Related Projects



Lead Organization: Braver Angels

Contact: TBD ; Email: TBD ; Phone: TBD

Known/Likely Collaborators: Braver Angels ; MPR Regional Development Advisory Council Rochester (RDAC) ; University of Minnesota Rochester

Potential Collaborators:

Related Projects


Major Impact:  Civic Engagement

PlanScape Impacts :

Level 1: Civic Engagement, Commitment, CMRC, Governance/Public Policy, Mediation

Level 2:

DMC Impacts:

Community Health Impacts:

Type of Project

Programming, Tooling  



Detailed Description

The Problem

Our national life -- from local schools to cities, towns, state legislatures and Congress -- has increasingly become a zone of disrespect and hostility, leading to paralysis in public policy and divisiveness in our communities, families, and friendship circles. Though Minnesota faces the same challenges, we have leaders and everyday citizens who know how to reduce the rancor and show other states how to do it. This does not mean giving up cherished values or policy beliefs. It means learning to disagree better, with respect rather than rancor. 










Last modified by allnode on 2024/05/01
Created by allnode on 2024/05/01




Site Information
Project Phase Definitions
The following defines the various project phases:
  1. Available - a product, program or service is in production
  2. Develop - program or application is being developed
  3. Plan - idea is solid, stakeholders are identified, and there is strong commitment to go forward from all parties.
  4. Concept Phase - idea scoped out with enough details to give an early sizing and/or to build a proof of concept
  5. Pre-concept Phase - an early idea or a requirement.
About Beam
  • For the commercial sector, we tend to register startup activities (new companies and new commercial projects) that bring diversification and high-impact opportunities to the area.
  • For the non-profit sector, we wish to shine light on all the organizations and services that otherwise labor under relative obscurity.
  • Our hope is that will encourage cross-sector collaborations and creative solutions.

While there are a number of registries in the community,'s  distinct value is to pilot a database with a data structure and categorizations that answer the questions such as: What organizations or projects/programs in our community that have purported relevance with some of the over-arching focuses put forward by initiatives such as DMC, J2G and Health Improvements?

This database could be used as one of the ways to explore the capacities of the community. If you are someone on an exploratory journey to learn about the greater Rochester community. could be an interesting first step.

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